1.Lord of the Dance
2.You Are the Holy One
4.I Lift My Eyes Up
6.Write Your Name
7.Dear Lord
8.Your Love
9.Holy And Anointed One
10.Lord Over All
11.In Your Hands
Sonic Flood also unveil five original songs on 'Resonate' that showcase the band's talent as well as their indisputable love of worship. 'In Your Hands' is one of the band's best pop-alternative songs here. With lyrics like, 'Sometimes my prayers seem so empty/ And your voice seems so far away/ But in my pain I see you're molding me/ You are potter, I'm the clay/ In your hands, for every storm there's a reason/ In your hands, there's a time for every season/ Though my tears may fall/ You hold me close/ And love me through it all' this band declares its dependence upon Christ without sounding pedestrian or trite.